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New traffic control configuration for Seymour, bypass

The Ministry of Transportation has revised the traffic control configuration at Seymour Street and the North Bay bypass to accommodate new development in the area.
The Ministry of Transportation has revised the traffic control configuration at Seymour Street and the North Bay bypass to accommodate new development in the area.

An advanced light will allow motorists to make left turns onto the bypass from Seymour to improve the flow of traffic from the newly built Home Depot.

Drivers from the Home Depot side are now provided with a right turn merge lane to safely enter traffic onto Hwy 11 southbound.

Drivers on the opposite side of Home Depot making a right turn onto the bypass towards Fisher Street are required to stop at the red signal light.

Motorists cannot proceed until traffic is clear as required by the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario (HTA). This is the same requirement at any red light intersection for a right hand turn, and will ensure that the right turn does not conflict with the opposing traffic making a left turn from the Home Depot side.

Police will be monitoring this intersection closely while motorists get use to the traffic control new configuration.


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