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Near North Board still assessing mask mandate

‘NNDSB follows the direction of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the public health unit when devising COVID-19 plans’
2019 06 23 near north district school board logo on wall 1 turl(1)
Near North District School Board

The Near North School Board is still working on what school will look like after March Break and if that will mean masks will no longer be required in schools. 

"This letter is to advise you that Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kieran Moore, announced several changes that may affect Near North District School Board students and staff after the March Break," the Near North Board stated in an email to parents and guardians. 

The Near North Board says it will review material from the Ministry of Education and consult with the Nipissing Parry Sound District Health Unit to devise next steps.

"Information will be communicated with families via letter, the website and social media," the email continued. 

"NNDSB follows the direction of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the public health unit when devising COVID-19 plans." 

Most of the masking mandates in Ontario are lifting March 21 as part of the province's plan to drop the remaining COVID-19 measures.

All masking measures will drop on April 27. When masking is no longer mandated, officials are still encouraging it. 


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