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NBPS welcomes new constable, promotes three officers

The NBPS' newly-sworn Constable is North Bay native Megan White
2020 12 11 NBPS Promotions
(Clockwise from top left) Newly-sworn NBPS Constable Megan White; and, newly-promoted officers Inspector Scott McFarlane, Staff Sergeant Peter Brunette, and Sergeant Dave Wilson. Photos courtesy of NBPS.

A small, socially distanced ceremony last Friday saw the North Bay Police Service swear in a newly-hired officer while promoting three long-serving, dedicated officers.

The NBPS' newly-sworn Constable is North Bay native Megan White. White attended Widdifield Secondary School. After graduating from Police Foundations at Algonquin College she joined the Canadian Armed Forces as a member of the Military Police in 2014 and served in Edmonton. After leaving the Armed Forces she became a Special Constable at Laurier University. She has now brought her policing experience to the North Bay Police Service and was presented her service badge by Police Chief Scott Tod.

Scott McFarlane has been promoted to the rank of Inspector. McFarlane began his policing career with the Ontario Provincial Police in 1994. In 1997, he joined the North Bay Police Service as a patrol officer. He has contributed to many functions within the police service including drug investigations and having served on several specialty units including an appointment as the service’s first Asset Forfeiture Officer. He has been recognized for his contributions to several complex investigations and has now been promoted to the rank of Inspector overseeing the Criminal Investigation Section.

Peter Brunette has been promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Brunette joined the North Bay Police Service in 1998. After attaining the rank of Staff Sergeant, he now serves as the Platoon Four supervisor.

Dave Wilson has been promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Wilson joined the North Bay Police Service in 2002 and following his promotion, he now serves as the Platoon Three Sergeant.