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Music for Toddlers – Fall Session now open for registration

North Bay Public Library News Release ************************* The Children’s Department of the North Bay Public Library is presenting a music program for toddlers (ages one and two) and their parent/caregiver.
North Bay Public Library
News Release


The Children’s Department of the North Bay Public Library is presenting a music program for toddlers (ages one and two) and their parent/caregiver. This program involves action songs and the use of basic rhythm instruments such as drums and shakers.

When: Tuesday mornings, Oct. 21 – Nov. 25, 2008

Time: 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Where: Children’s Storyroom

Registration is required and will begin on Monday, September 15, either by phone (474-4830) or in person at the Children’s Desk.

Registration is limited. Children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver.



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