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Municipal parking garage to get $465 thousand worth of 'preventative maintenance'

'It needs to be done to avoid more expensive repairs in the future.”

Roughly eight years ago the municipal parking garage on McIntyre Street in downtown North Bay was closed for several months in order to carry out major reconstruction work.

An assessment study in 2010 found the garage, which was already over 40 years old, needed a major overhaul which came with a price tag just shy of $1 million.

A small portion of the work was started in 2011, but the project got underway in earnest during the 2012-2013 fiscal year.

The most recent condition assessment completed in 2018 indicates additional work is required.  

City council has approved awarding a contract worth nearly $465 thousand to Brook Restoration Ltd is for structural repairs and waterproofing.

Councillor Chris Mayne described the work as “preventative maintenance.”

“A recent survey of the building found that moisture and salt are accelerating the corrosion of the structure. So, the work has been tendered. It needs to be done to avoid more expensive repairs in the future.”  

Councillor Mac Bain voted against moving ahead with the project.

“I think council made the wrong decision by keeping it and not selling it a number of years ago,” said Bain.

“I will not be supporting this because it is something I don’t think we should be owning.”

The multi-level building provides parking spaces for 151 vehicles of which a small percentage are rental spaces.


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