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Updated found: Small white cockapoo. Owners 'devastated'

'My parents are devastated as they lost their other cockapoo just a week before'

Update  2:45 p.m.

Update to BayToday from Danika, "Tucker has been found on the lake by 2 snowmobiles. He is safe and getting checked out as a precaution, but seems like he's good. Thank you so much for helping get the word out even farther!

If you can add a true thank you to everyone who helped search and who shared the post. We had so many people out looking, including a good handful of people we don't know, and hundreds shared our posts. It means so much to our family and to my mom."


If you love dogs, you know how hard it is when your pet goes missing.

Danika Parry's parents are holidaying in Cuba and got the news Friday that their cockapoo named Tucker escaped in the Ferris area, and after three days is still missing.

On Friday afternoon, the pup got out from a friend's house and still hasn't been found.

Tucker is a small white cockapoo, very friendly, and skittish.

"He is very food motivated, especially fries and Timbits," says Parry. "He got out on Gertrude, and his home is on Massey. We have left blankets and pillows out at both locations. He was last seen at Lakeshore/Marshall heading onto or near the lake."

Tucker is microchipped.

"My parents are devastated as they lost their other cockapoo just a week before."

The search continues.. If you see Tucker call 807-356-3208 with any information.

Parry is also looking for help in the search.

"If anyone is willing to search the lake, shoreline, and islands with a snow machine, we will compensate for time and supplies."


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