Empire Living Center residents Ines Backlund and Bill Billings greet Easter Seals Ambassador Talia Moore.
The month may be half over but the folks at the Easter Seals – North Bay District Council thought Friday morning was a great time to remind the community that March is Easter Seals Month.
Easter Seals Ambassador Talia Moore supported by members of the North Bay District Council, and the staff and residents of Empire Living Center, welcomed Mayor Fedeli for an official proclamation.
“Ideally we would like to have the proclamation March 1st but it is sometimes hard to get everyone organised,” explains Jamie Whiteside, Communications Chair North Bay District Council
“And we want to have Talia here so people can put a face to the cause.”
Whiteside says that the annual Paper Egg fundraising campaign is well underway and he is pleased with the amount of eggs posted on walls and windows he is seeing across the area.
“All of the businesses are doing really well, even the residents here (Empire Living Center) are doing well in their fundraising efforts,” he says.
“Every year we see more and more businesses come on board, and if they help with the Paper Eggs … who knows they may get involved with other things.”
The local Easter Seals district council fundraises year round to help provide the over 60 area families with essential communication and mobility equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, braces and communication devices, Easter Seals camps, and funding of recreational choices such as day camps, swimming and art classes.
Whiteside also reminds community members that 2008 marks the 86th anniversary of Easter Seals in Ontario.