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Many on hand for a piece of birthday cake - Happy Canada Day!

NBDMC Cindy Collins Canada’s 148 th birthday was celebrated by many at North Bay’s waterfront on Wednesday. MP Jay Aspin welcomed 10 new Canadian citizens during a Canadian Citizenship Reaffirmation Ceremony at the Kiwanis Bandshell.

NBDMC Cindy Collins

Canada’s 148th birthday was celebrated by many at North Bay’s waterfront on Wednesday.

MP Jay Aspin welcomed 10 new Canadian citizens during a Canadian Citizenship Reaffirmation Ceremony at the Kiwanis Bandshell.  

Settlement Worker and Volunteer Coordinator with the North Bay and District Multicultural Centre, NBDMC, Cindy Collins says the ceremony was intended for the crowd to take part.

“Everyone who was here was invited to take the oath together as a community. We are all affirming our citizenship, born in Canada or not.”

Shortly after, attention turned to the grand entrance of the Canada Day Cake to the ACT Shelter. Many strong backs gingerly placed the giant cake in place as a chef from the Best Western Hotel gazed up at the rainclouds then back down at the raindrops hitting the perfect icing.

Volunteers with the Association of Canadian Travellers cut watermelon for the patient crowd.

The North Bay & District Multicultural Centre offered constant entertainment with the 9th annual Multicultural Showcase. 

Collins asserts, “Multiculturalism is the fabric of Canadian culture.”

“Today is really about cultural sharing and the appreciation of the diversity we have in our community.”

Collins explained that many cultures were represented in the 18 acts featuring music, song, and dance.

Check out the photos of the big Canada Day cake in the link below. 


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