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Man narrowly escapes downtown stabbing

'He aimed for my throat and missed, then they finally left'

A North Bay man narrowly escaped being stabbed this morning, when he tried to stop a man from kicking in windows in the downtown area.

Leo Hansen and his anxiety service dog Chico were walking along Ferguson St. around 9:15 a.m. when he came across three men in their early twenties kicking walls and doors of businesses downtown.

He watched them go into a small alley next to Trinity United Church at the corner of Ferguson and McIntyre.

"I heard a man yell 'Oh F***' and heard a window smash. I told them to leave and one individual who attacked me decided to get into my face and told me to leave. I said no, and he threatened to stab me. He pulled out a knife and I pinned him against the wall and it turned into a scuffle. He tried to stab me a few times, then got away from me."

That's when the attacker, wearing a grey hoodie and backpack tried to stab Hansen in the throat.

"He aimed for my throat and missed, then they finally left."

He called police and says he was told after making his statement at the police station that they have the attacker in custody.

Hansen says he escaped the ordeal uninjured but "pissed off." He says his biggest fear is his attacker will be released on a promise to appear.

He adds that at least five people stood by and watched while he was being attacked, but someone did call police after he yelled for help.

He says the trio smashed a pair of windows downtown.

Police spokesman John Schultz told BayToday that they are "actively investigating an assault-related incident that took place at the corner of McIntyre Street east and Ferguson Street earlier this morning."

 Police have one person in custody, he says.


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