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Looking to buy or sell something? List your classifieds for FREE on BayToday

Open your free account now!

New section not only has largest reach in North Bay, but also provides access to classified users across Ontario.

With the new BayToday Classified section, you can set up an account and have it activated and ready to use within 24 hours.

All regular listings will always be FREE.

Want a premium ad to prioritize your listing? Have a business activity or service that you want to promote through classifieds? We’ve got that covered. Until August 2016, both premium listings and business listings are also FREE.

The BayToday classifieds have nearly 100 distinct categories that you can choose from. So you can be sure that your listings will be found.

The free classified listings reach one of the largest online audiences in North Bay with an average of more than 25,000 visits per day.

More importantly, when you place a listing on BayToday you also have access to one of the largest classified ad networks in Ontario. When you place a listing on BayToday, users Ontario-wide can see your classified ad, as part of the Village Media network.

You'll find the new section at the top of the page, where you can browse current listings and create your own BayToday account and start posting your own ads.

So, whether you are looking to sell that used vehicle or ATV, or hoping to buy some used children’s hockey gear, BayToday’s classified section is the best place to start.