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Local man 'stonewalled' due to 'unaccountable' health officials

'No further clarification will be provided by Dr. Chirico. How is it possible that staff at the Health Unit, that is funded by taxpayers, considers that to be an acceptable answer?'
20201010 north bay parry sound health unit sign turl stock
The North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit. Jeff Turl/BayToday.

In a presentation to the board of the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit, Dave Lewington reiterated his demand to see the order allowing for the closure of snowmobile trails and other winter amenities by the medical officer of health.

"I feel the Board of Health has become an unaccountable and unmitigated disaster to the folks in our region," declared Lewington. "And, I understand the seriousness of those words, and I don't say them lightly."

Lewington, who has been working on the issue of the snowmobile trail and outdoor rink closures with the Northern Ontario Libertarian Caucus, a local arm of the Ontario Libertarian Party, then repeated the group's call for the resignation of Dr. Jim Chirico, the local Medical Officer of Health, and any elected Board of Health members who supports keeping the order hidden. 

See original story: Political group looking for clarification on Dr. Chirico's winter activity closures

He says he has been "stonewalled," in his attempts to obtain a copy of the order and offered to present a petition to the board with 3,200 signatures asking for Dr. Chirico's resignation.

"Dr. Chirico and the Board of Health have continued to be unaccountable.  I directly asked them for the order, and the specific line of authority that was used to make those orders, and they did not respond," says Lewington.  

Lewington says he has sent numerous emails and made countless phone calls to no avail. In order to present during Wednesday's Board of Health meeting, He was forced to submit his presentation to the board one week in advance of the phone-in meeting.

See related story: Re-examine lockdown, communicate better, Chamber of Commerce tells Health Unit

See also: Lockdown protest at local Health Unit

And: No decision on lockdown extension past March 8 says Health Unit

As of Monday, those restrictions surrounding winter outdoor amenities had been lifted on Dr. Chirico's orders while the district remained under a stay-at-home order and out of the provincial framework. "Even though they've ended their order, it's still about accountability and they should be able to provide that order," Lewington says.

"The current format for making a presentation to the Board of Health has no accountability, they hung the phone up on me as soon as I was done my 10 minutes and did not address the main issue," observes Lewington. "What in the world do I have to do to get a copy of the actual orders that were issued?  What is the Health Unit hiding?"

Ultimately, despite Lewington's demands, no order was produced clarifying Dr. Chirico's authority to implement the closures.

"I simply, and disrespectfully have been told: 'No further clarification will be provided by Dr. Chirico,' and I don't understand how that can be possible when we're in 2021. How is it possible that staff at the Health Unit, that is funded by taxpayers, considers that to be an acceptable answer to the taxpayers?" he asked the board. 

"I want to challenge you folks that are sitting around the table, to make you realize how the average citizen interprets that sort of an answer. This is the way it sounds to me and to others: 'Shut up and go away. I'm not going to tell you where I get that authority. Just listen and stop asking questions. I don't care if I cause any harm to you or your neighbours. I'm doing this because I can and any damage I cause to you is irrelevant because of COVID. I don't need to show you the science.'"

Chair Nancy Jacko advised Lewington the "10 minutes is for your presentation and we're not here to debate or ask questions right at this point in time. We want to hear your concerns." 

See related: Unanimous support for Dr. Chirico by Board of Health

Later in the meeting, Dr. Chirico addressed Lewington's presentation and demands for the order. 

"The answer was provided to Mr. Lewington but not to his satisfaction. But, it was vetted through our legal counsel and what was provided was totally acceptable," explained Chirico. "There is no question in my mind the information is there."

Lewington did commend board member and North Bay city councillor Scott Robertson for "at least trying to put forward the other side of the story here, and advocate for the folks that have been suffering because of the lockdown measures. Dr. Chirico and the rest of the board seem to be burying their heads in the sand, and dismiss the criticism as if it's only rooted in jealousy, or envy, or hatred — when it's actually people crying out for the health unit to stop bullying them without providing the data."  


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