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Local man puts out porch fire

'I saw the flames and my first thought was the people who were inside the house'
2022 04 28 fire
Photo submitted.

Mike St. Louis was driving down Wyld Street in North Bay last Thursday morning when he saw something very unusual. 

The 42-year-old heavy equipment operator realized there was a fire outside a home he was driving by. 

"I was on my way to work when I noticed a blue box on fire that was on the front porch and the wooden spindles and railing were starting to catch fire," said St. Louis. 

"I saw the flames and my first thought was the people who were inside the house - I could see an older woman sitting in the window so I just wanted to alert her and get her out of the house." 

Then St. Louis says he called 9-1-1 then proceeded to throw the blue box off the porch onto the front lawn then used a broom to knock down the flames on the porch. He says a man inside opened up the door and he and the woman came outside as well.  

With the fire out, St. Louis saw the fire department coming so he knew his vehicle was in the way so he decided to head out. 

Jason Whiteley, North Bay's Fire Chief, was impressed with St. Louis' quick thinking.  

"If you can do that and do it quickly before the fire gets big, that is the best thing that can happen," said Whiteley. 

"But it is very important that you have called the fire department in case you can't get it out or it gets big. Don't fight it if it is too big and get out that is the most important thing.

"If you do put it out is to make sure we are still coming so we can ensure it has not spread. Especially if it is a fire inside your house." 

Whiteley says those who decide to help need to do it cautiously. 

"It is a bit of a judgment call but it is always, make sure you can do it in a manner that you do not get hurt, is not going to make the fire spread, and make sure we are coming and people are out safe," he said.  

"It is a little easier when it is on a porch and it is a small smoldering fire in a box, throw it on the front lawn, and make sure we are there to get it out or get the garden hose to put it out but make sure we come and double-check the area so we can ensure that the fire has not spread.

"You know embers could get behind the deck and are burning underneath the wooden deck or something like that because we have seen that happen." 

Chris Dawson

About the Author: Chris Dawson

Chris Dawson has been with since 2004. He has provided up-to-the-minute sports coverage and has become a key member of the BayToday news team.
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