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Local Conservatives to pick candidate Saturday

Nipissing-Timiskaming Conservatives will look to put a messy nomination process behind them this weekend, as they choose a Nipissing-Timiskaming candidate to run in the impending federal election.
Potential Nipissing—Timiskaming Conservative candidates Jordy Carr, Gary Keller and Steve Trahan.

Nipissing-Timiskaming Conservatives will look to put a messy nomination process behind them this weekend, as they choose a Nipissing-Timiskaming candidate to run in the impending federal election.

That person will replace former candidate Cassidy Villeneuve, who resigned just over a week ago, citing obstacles presented by the local board, and the difficulties of being a woman in politics.

See: Villeneuve resigns as local Conservative candidate

At the close of nominations on March 14 three contestants had successfully completed the application process and were approved as nomination contestants: Jordy CarrGarry Keller and Steven Trahan.

See: Battle is on for local Conservative nomination

Voting for the Nipissing-Timiskaming candidate nomination will take place Saturday, March 22 at the G Wing Theatre, Canadore College from 2 to 5 p.m.

“Now, more than ever we need a change in Ottawa and an MP who will put people first. I encourage all local party members to come out Saturday and select our new candidate. A general election call could come as early as Sunday,” said Gordan Rennie, President of the Nipissing-Timiskaming Conservative Association.


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