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Levels still high, but flood watch downgraded

The lake is still above normal levels for this time of year and continues to remain vulnerable to large rain events and strong westerly winds which could drive up water levels on the North Bay and Callander shorelines
20190615 lavase river flooding turl
Levels on the Lavase River were well above normal. Jeff Turl/BayToday.

The flood situation on Lake Nipissing has improved so much that the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority has downgraded the Flood Watch for the North Bay and Callander shorelines of Lake Nipissing to a Water Safety Statement.

“Water levels remain high on Lake Nipissing and the Mattawa River below the Hurdman Dam, and continued caution is advised near those watercourses. Water levels elsewhere in the NBMCA watershed are now within normal ranges for this time of year,”  said Kurtis Romanchuk, NBMCA Duty Officer.

Lake Nipissing is currently at elevation 196.15m near North Bay, falling approximately 3cm over the last 24 hours. The normal summer operating range for Lake Nipissing is 195.75m to 195.95m.

The lake is still above normal levels for this time of year and continues to remain vulnerable to large rain events and strong westerly winds which could drive up water levels on the North Bay and Callander shorelines. The higher than normal water level is affecting the lower reaches of La Vase River, Parks Creek, and Jessups Creek.

The Ottawa River at Mattawa is currently at elevation 153.30m, and has fluctuated between 153.30m and 153.60m for the last few days, following a substantial decrease last Friday. This is causing a backwater effect on the Mattawa River downstream of the Hurdman Dam, and contributing to high water levels in this area.

Based on historical data, the average water level at Mattawa fluctuates between 151.4m and 152.8m depending on the time of year.



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