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Let the Learning Begin event is a huge hit

Children make houses out of boxes in the Widdifield Gymnasium Saturday morning. The event took place from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. PHOTO BY CHRIS DAWSON.

Children make houses out of boxes in the Widdifield Gymnasium Saturday morning.  The event took place from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  PHOTO BY CHRIS DAWSON.

The rainy conditions didn’t stop more than 400 families from taking in a unique event at Widdifield Senior Secondary.

The event was “Let the Learning Begin.” 

The school hosted 50 interactive opportunities for families to have fun with their children and learn through play.  

“So their are opportunities for the children to learn through play, to socially interact here and take turns, but all through playful things like dance, music, science north planetarium, building houses out of boxes, the list goes on and on really,” said event organizer Karen Cobb about all the activities offered to children and their parents. 

The best part was the event was free for families with infants and children up to age 6.  

Organizers thanked the local school boards, Nipissing University, Union Gas and the Rotary Club for their support in making the Saturday morning event a reality.

Cobb says the overall goal of the event is to place an emphasis on the early years. 

“The early years lay the foundation for long term health, long term cognitive development, long term social development,” said Cobb. 



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