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Lane Reconfiguration will improve sight-lines and traffic flow on bypass

New traffic detection equipment is also being installed to improve the automation of the traffic signals.
20180706 o'brien and bypass intersection
The intersection of O'Brien and the bypass. Chris Dawson/BayToday.

The MTO is planning lane reconfiguration at the intersection of Highway 11/17 and O’Brien Street next week.

The aim is to improve safety and operations at the intersection of the North Bay Bypass and O’Brien Street.

"MTO is providing separate northbound through and right-turn lanes and shifting the left-turn lane so that it is aligned with the southbound left-turn lane," said Kristin Franks, Media Advisor. "This will improve sightlines and traffic flow."

The changes also involve reducing the southbound lanes south of the bypass from two lanes to one lane.  New traffic detection equipment is also being installed to improve the automation of the traffic signals.

The lane changes will be painted overnight early next week, weather depending.