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Jocko Point residents 'cautiously optimistic'

'The way Jocko Point has rallied together - coupled with the kindness and generosity of volunteers and donors - truly demonstrates the strength and resilience of this community'
20190515-jocko point flooding cd
Jocko Point flooding. Chris Dawson/BayToday.

Community leaders at Jocko Point are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel as Lake Nipissing levels stabilize and help pours in from surrounding communities.

"Lake levels became somewhat stable Wednesday due to reduced inflows and precipitation outlooks and are now only forecasted to rise by 0.5cm-1cm per day for a few days," said Communications Officer Gen Couchie. "We are cautiously optimistic based on this outlook."

Couchie also says residents are feeling some relief as they feel “caught up” in their sandbagging efforts and now have a large stockpile of bags ready to deliver with more comning today with the help of students from Nbisiing and Northern.  The Angel Network of North Bay continues to coordinate meals and donations of gas cards. Money is also being donated to help flood victims.

"The way Jocko Point has rallied together - coupled with the kindness and generosity of volunteers and donors - truly demonstrates the strength and resilience of this community," says Couchie. " We hope to maintain our cautious optimism about flood waters receding for the sake of everyone who has been impacted, and to begin focusing on recovery efforts."

So far, 35,000 sandbags have been used, with close to 20,000 on hand.