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It’s open now, and Callander’s hungry for Moose on the Loose

Moose’s Cookhouse expands into Centennial Park for summer weekends

Moose on the Loose – the mobile version of North Bay’s Moose’s Cookhouse – has arrived in Callander’s Centennial Park, and the residents are loving the new addition to the park. Moose on the Loose will be there each weekend until the Fall arrives, selling Smash Burgers, pogos, their famous wings, and so much more.

See: Wings, drinks, and Smash Burgers coming to Callander’s lakefront

This Friday marked the first day of their soft opening, and the restaurant is open all weekend. Owner Chris White called it a soft opening because this was the first time the crew operated in the kitchen, and they wanted to make sure everything was working right and get a chance to adapt to the new space.

“It’s a little different than our kitchen at the Moose,” White admitted, although the team of six were doing fine cooking up delicacies in the new digs. Beside the kitchen building is a large Moose on the Loose food truck, which White plans to use for storage.

Although today was a soft opening, as soon as the team opened at 11 a.m. there was already a line waiting to order. Throughout the lunch hours people kept coming, a welcome sign for the new endeavour.

“It’s so nice for all of these people to join us,” White said. “We’re a little busier than we thought, and it’s a nice surprise.”

More surprises await as things get rolling with the new location. The location will have small restaurant pagers available to patrons so they can continue enjoying the park as they wait for their food. When the pager calls the food is ready.

White also mentioned that come July, they plan to offer jet-ski delivery to boats in the bay. Call ahead, drop your anchor in the bay, and the food will be delivered to your boat.

“We’re excited to be here in Callander – a great community. City Hall has been fantastic helping us get situated and we’ve had lots of great response from the community. We love the community of Callander.”

David Briggs is a Local Journalism Initiative reporter who works out of BayToday, a publication of Village Media. The Local Journalism Initiative is funded by the Government of Canada.


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