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It is like a funeral with no body

The congregation of Corpus Christie gathered in their beloved parish for the final time for a candle light mass Thursday night.

The congregation of Corpus Christie gathered in their beloved parish for the final time for a candle light mass Thursday night.

It was with heavy hearts that the congregation of Corpus Christie received communion Thursday night as it was the final time that would happen in their beloved parish.

Corpus Christie on Cassells Street is the third Catholic Church in the past week to hold their final service, St. Rita’s and Saint-Anges hosted a final mass this past Saturday. Last November, under the guidance of Bishop Jean-Louis Plouffe, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie held a parish reorganization process that saw churches across the region examine their present and future viability, as a result of the studies it was announced that St. Rita and Corpus Christi along with Saint-Anges would close by December 31, 2010.

So for one last mass the congregation gathered to share their faith and the emotions of the day.

“I can’t say anything that is going to help you … we just have to get through it,” says Father Ken speaking from the heart and telling his parishioners that their faith will guide them through the hardship.

“Your presence here is testament to your faith.”

“Jesus never forgets us and believe me you have not been forgotten.”

Father Ken, who is moving to Holy Name, wanted folks to understand that this closing isn’t the only one and unfortunately it is a reality that the Catholic diocese across the country are dealing with.

“This is not the end to the world it is a new beginning … let’s be happy.”

“I love you.”

“Those of you who will go on to the Pro Cathedral and St. Peter’s -- I will miss you.”

Spencer Longshaw, 13, along with her family will be following Father Ken to Holy Name, says she is a tad nervous about the move.

“I have mixed emotions,” she explains following the final mass.

“I will get to meet new people but will miss those who are not moving on with us.”

Annie McGee, who has been attending Corpus Christi since 1978, likened the final mass to a funeral without a body.

"I’m feeling sad like so many.”

“We’ve got to make the best of it now that it’s going to be closed. And we’ll get our strength back somehow … with our faith we will. We’ll carry on.”

She says it was very hard pill to swallow.

“It certainly was when you have been here for so many years and I know a lot of the parishioners and I was the Eucharist Minister and it gave me the greatest pleasure to be one and it’s so final.”

“And when it is so final it’s hard to take.”

McGee, who still isn’t sure where she will attend mass in the future, says they have to accept this change, but it would be much easier to move on if the church family was staying together.

“A lot of them don’t know where they are going to go and you hope they might make the right decision … hopefully it will be the right one.”

“I think you have to go to the churches that are still open and find out how you feel about that church, the congregation, and if you feel peace in that church then continue with your faith.”

DECREE of modification

Greetings and blessings in the Lord

To all those who will read this decree, we inform that :

WHEREAS the Code of Canon Law gives the Diocesan Bishop alone the right “to establish, suppress or alter

parishes” after having consulted the Council of Priests, and this, in accordance with canon 515, §2;

WHEREAS the Council of Priests has already been consulted regarding the procedure to be followed in this regard

during their regular meeting;

WHEREAS the Bishop has proceeded by decree dated this same day to suppress the territorial parish of CorpusChristi;

We the undersigned, Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie, by virtue of our pastoral charge and by the present decree, modify the parish of the Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption by altering its present territorial boundaries in extending its territory to include part of the territory formerly served by Corpus Christi Parish.

The former territory of Corpus Christi Parish will be divided between the parishes of the Pro-Cathedral of the

Assumption and Saint Peter the Apostle. The Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption will be responsible for the downtown area and the people living south of the Highway 17 by-pass and south of Trout Lake Road to Lees Creek (Lees Road), contiguous boundary between the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie and the Diocese of Pembroke. St. Peter the Apostle will serve the Catholic population living in the north side of the Highway 17 by-pass and north of Trout Lake Road to Lees Creek (Lees Road), contiguous boundary between the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie and the Diocese of Pembroke.

This modified parish of the Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption will enjoy full rights and the juridical personality of a parish, with all the rights and obligations of a parish according to Canon Law. The said parish will retain its place of worship, rectory and office situated at 480 McIntyre Street West in North Bay, ON.

In addition, by this same decree, we confirm that Monsignor David Tramontini, P.H., remains rector of the said parish, and we grant him all the faculties, powers, rights and privileges proper to his office by virtue of the directives of Canon Law, the Diocesan statutes and the customs legitimately approved in the Diocese.

The present decree will take effect on January 1, 2011, the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God and will be read and published at all Sunday masses in the above mentioned parishes on December 26, 2010, Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

May the Lord grant abundant graces and blessings to the faithful and to the rector of the modified parish of the Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption.

Given at Sudbury, under Our signature, the seal of the Diocese and the signature of the Auxiliary Bishop on this eighth day of December, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Year of Our Lord two thousand and ten.

Jean-Louis Plouffe
Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie

Noël Simard V.G.
Auxiliary Bishop



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