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Handful of demonstrators demand Gaza ceasefire

It was the group's third gathering in the past couple of weeks

Half a dozen citizens sporting pro-Palestinian signs waved at passing motorists yesterday evening to press home their message of a cease-fire in the Middle East.

Many motorists honked their horns, which demonstrator Henri Giroux took as signs of support.

It was the group's third gathering in the past couple of weeks.

See: Ceasefire NOW Nipissing accuses Rota of 'staying silent' on Gaza

And: Gaza protesters should consider both sides

Canada voted in favour of a non-binding UN resolution that calls for an "immediate humanitarian ceasefire" in the Israel-Hamas war.

The move broke with years of Canadian policy and shocked Jewish groups as it represents a shift in Canada's long-standing position of siding with Israel on major resolutions.

Canada has stated from the beginning that Israel has the right to defend itself.

The current war broke out after Hamas launched a surprise attack in Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 people, including hundreds of civilians, and taking 240 people hostage.

The ensuing Israeli offensive in Gaza has killed more than 23,000 Palestinians and left more than 58,000 wounded, according to a report this week from the Associated Press, which cites Health Ministry officials in Hamas-run Gaza.

Jeff Turl

About the Author: Jeff Turl

Jeff is a veteran of the news biz. He's spent a lengthy career in TV, radio, print and online, covering both news and sports. He enjoys free time riding motorcycles and spoiling grandchildren.
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