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Grant will improve washroom facilities at Mattawa Museum

$148,000 for the Mattawa Museum will be used to address a community need by making the multi-level museum completely accessible and barrier-free inside and out
MPP Fedeli with Judy Toupin, Curator of the Mattawa Museum.

A $148,000 grant to the Mattawa Museum will be used to make the multi-level building completely accessible and barrier-free inside and out.

Over $240,000 to two non-profit organizations in Nipissing has been provided through the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

As well, $94,100 goes to Powassan to install new accessible playground equipment in Lions Park.

“Organizations such as these are the pillars of our community. This support will enable them to better serve the people in our community and continue to make a positive difference,” said MPP Vic Fedeli.

"This will now ensure that our museum, all three levels, and washroom facilities, are fully accessible for all visitors," said curator Judy Toupin.

“Over the past few months, the municipality has removed some of our older playground equipment. The new playground equipment will be used by generations at the Powassan Lions Park,” added Peter McIsaac, mayor of Powassan.


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