Skies today will be mainly cloudy with a 30 per cent chance of showers and the risk of a thunderstorm in the afternoon. Southwest wind will be 20 km/h in the afternoon.
Daytime temperatures will rise to a high of 19 C with a UV index of 6, or high.
Overnight skies will be partly cloudy with a 30 per cent chance of showers and the risk of a thunderstorm in the evening. Temperatures will drop to a low of 12 C.
Cheapest gas in the city this morning according to GasBuddy is 108.9 at Mac's, 617 Main St E & John St.
Most expensive is 110.3 at the Petro Canada, 1119 Algonquin Ave & Greenwood Ave.
Ontario average is 103,8 with prices rising.