The Friends of Laurier Woods, a non-profit charitable organization, is offering for the fifth year, themed interpretive hikes through the Laurier Woods Conservation Area each month from June through December.
The Friends have lined up a full range of environmental experts who will lead the walks and provide hikers with bountiful observations and information specific to their expertise.
Monthly themes & experts include:
- June 1st with Valerie Murphy for a family event;
- July 6th with Riley Cormier on Insects of North Bay;
- August 3rd with Mel Alkins on invasive plants of North Bay;
- November 3rd with Larry Dyke on geology;
- September and October guides & topics are yet to be announced.
The two-hour walks will be held the first Saturday of each month beginning at 10 am. from the Conservation Area parking lot at the end of Brule Street. The interpretive hikes will be of interest to a full range of ages and abilities and are free-of-charge. Hikers are reminded to wear appropriate footwear.
The Laurier Woods Conservation Area, within the heart of the City of North Bay and accessible from the end of Brule Street, features a 12 kilometre trail network through significant wetlands and upland forest. The area is home to a variety of woodland and wetland flora and fauna.