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5 celebrated at Nipissing's Alumni Awards Night

It is an opportunity to recognize Nipissing Alumni and the contributions they have made locally, provincially, nationally and internationally,
2024 Nipissing University Alumni Award Night: (L-R) Laurel Muldoon, Joyce Helmer, Paul Cook, Nakissa (Keesa) Koomalsingh, Colin Vezina, Mabel Plourde-Doran and Kevin Wamsley.

It was an evening of celebration honouring the achievements of five outstanding individuals during the annual Nipissing University Alumni Awards night.

“It is an opportunity to recognize Nipissing alumni and the contributions they have made locally, provincially, nationally and internationally,” explained Steven Smits, manager of Alumni and Advancement at Nipissing University.

“We want to ensure that we can celebrate the successes and contributions of our alumni. We also want to make sure that the broader community is aware of the great work that our alumni are doing," Smits continued. "We just want to demonstrate that all of the successes that these individuals have had, many of their paths have started at Nipissing and we’ve helped them along their way, so that is something we want to celebrate with them as we provide them with their awards.”   

Dr. Joyce Helmer received the Dr. James Jamieson Influential Alumni Award.

“This award goes to somebody who has made a significant impact in the area in which they are working,” stated Smits. It is presented to a graduate whose dedication and leadership have influenced significant change and prosperity within their community.

Born and raised in Timmins, Dr. Helmer is described as a distinguished academic and dedicated advocate for Indigenous education and health.

“I think the opportunity to have work recognized and voices heard is the key for me. I am an advocate for education leadership, education-shared decision-making, and education collaboration.”  

Mabel Plourde-Doron, an accomplished professional in physiotherapy and education was honoured with the Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award.

This award is presented to an alumnus whose achievement and excellence in their endeavours have distinguished them as a valued leader.

Plourde-Doron received many awards as a student at Nipissing and has gone on to excel in her field as a physiotherapist and is currently teaching at the university.

“Of course, I am humbled, and I feel unworthy, compared to some of the other people who are here tonight. I really feel Nipissing is a part of me. I did my undergrad there and came back because it was such a positive experience. I do mentor a lot of current students, “shared Plourde-Doron.  

The Rising Star Alumni Award was presented to Nakissa Koomalsingh.

“This is for new alumni who are excelling in their field and have graduated recently,” explained Smits.

This award is presented to a recent graduate of Nipissing University who has demonstrated significant achievements on a professional, community or volunteer basis or has displayed promise of significant future accomplishments.

Koomalsingh is a pioneering advocate for women’s sports in Canada, and the founder of HOOPQUEENS, a groundbreaking initiative that introduced Canada’s first paid league for women’s basketball.

The organization is dedicated to promoting gender equality in basketball.

“This award means so much to me. I loved my time at Nipissing and all the people I met in the community were so supportive and it really means a lot that my work is being recognized.”  

Colin Vezina received the Philanthropy Alumni Award,

“Which recognizes alumni who have given back to the community in meaningful ways,” shared Smits.

 The award is presented to an alumnus or champion of Nipissing University who is making significant contributions to improve their community through their generosity, dedication, commitment and service.

“I’m so proud of Nipissing. I was a graduate back in ’88 and I’m just delighted that others are being recognized as well for the work that we did to promote Nipissing,” Vezina stated.

The 2024 recipient of the Honorary Alumni Award was received by Paul Cook, former chancellor of Nipissing University.

This award is presented to an individual who is not a graduate of the university, but whose actions and dedication have made a positive impact on the Nipissing University experience. This honour recognizes friends of Nipissing University for outstanding service, commitment and contribution, past or present to the university.

“The Honorary Alumni Award isn’t necessarily given out every year, but this year recognizing Paul Cook’s contributions to Nipissing University as a whole, we wanted to ensure that he continued to be part of our Nipissing family by  becoming an honorary alumni,” shared Smits.

“I was surprised, also honoured,” stated Cook.

‘When you give back to the community, you never do that with the intention of being recognized, but when it happens it is always nice.”