A fire at 932 Premier Road this morning has been blamed on the careless discarding of smoking materials says a fire department spokesman.
Fire crews from Station 3 and Station 1 responded to a single storey structure at 11:30 this morning.
Firefighters entered the home and extinguished the fire in one of the bedrooms.
"Nobody was in the home at the time of the fire," says Deputy Chief Greg Saunders.
"The home suffered from significant damage from smoke but very little damage from fire as firefighters were able to get the fire quickly under control."
The tenant in the house has been charged with disabling a smoke alarm which carries a fine of $360.
"Careless smoking is a leading cause of fires and fire fatalities in Ontario," adds Saunders. "North Bay Fire and Emergency Services would like to make residents aware of some safe smoking practices that will reduce the risk of a fire."
- Smoke outside and away from combustible materials
- Extinguish smoking materials fully and soak in water prior to disposal
- Be extra cautious smoking while drinking alcohol or taking medication
- Never empty the contents of an ashtray into a garbage bin without ensuring everything is properly extinguished
- Never smoke in bed
- Keep lighters and matches out of children’s reach