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FEEDBACK: Here's what you had to say about the news this week

Hot button issues this week include
20211015 Horwath North Bay
Andrea Horwath speaks to the media in downtown North Bay during her media event. Photo submitted.

At the bottom of all of our local stories, readers now have the option of submitting feedback. Here's what BayToday readers had to say about what was making news over the last week:

Oct. 14: 

Lake Nipissing access fenced off for 'protection' and 'prevention' railway says

"Another consideration is that the fence cuts off a potential emergency route for people living on the South side of the train tracks on Timmins, Gorman and Lake Street, in case of a chemical spill or derailment from a train."
- Catherine F.

Oct. 12: 

Andrea Horwath stops in North Bay to address 'overdose crisis'

"Just a note about the headline to this article (good article, BTW, and desperately needed).

But overdoses are not contained only to chronic substance misusers.

Young people, or other novice users, are very vulnerable to over-dose, because of their lack of experience, previous exposure.

If you use as much for your first dose as your buddy does, but your buddy's been using for a longer period of time, you are most likely going to be in serious trouble.

Your buddy's built up some tolerance. You have none."
- S.V. 

Oct. 8: 

Health Unit 'supportive' of ban on spectators for school athletics

"So the health unit is supportive of OHL games, minor hockey league games, MLS, Toronto Raptors, Toronto Maple Leafs etc but they draw the line at parents watching their kids play football outside, or even having half capacity in gyms for basketball volleyball.
What is the science behind these decisions?"
- Tim R. 


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