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EMS manager to tackle 7 summits for charity

District of Nipissing EMS News Release ********************* As one of the leading Public Access Defibrillator Programs in the Province, it’s no surprise that a member of the Lifeline committee is participating in this Provincial fund raising program
District of Nipissing EMS
News Release


As one of the leading Public Access Defibrillator Programs in the Province, it’s no surprise that a member of the Lifeline committee is participating in this Provincial fund raising program.

Expedition overview

Mountaineers push their personal boundaries by attempting the 7 Summits - climbing the tallest peak on each of the Earth's 7 continents. On February 22, 2009, District of Nipissing EMS Manager Jean Guy Belzile will participate in the Heart & Stroke 7 Summits by climbing the stairs of the 7 tallest office buildings in Toronto's downtown core in one morning. He will not only conquer Toronto's tallest towers, but he will also give those who experience cardiac arrest a second chance at life through the vital funds that he is raising. Heart&Stroke 7 SummitsTM fundraising goal of $1.5 million and we're going to need your help to get there. All funds raised locally will be returned to the local program.

Warm Up Event THURSDAY JANUARY 29, 2009 11:00 AM (MEDIA EVENT) Join us on Thursday January 29, 2009 at 11:00 am at North Bay City Hall for a warm up climb. District EMS
Manager Jean Guy Belzile will be joined by Deputy Mayor and Lifeline Champion Peter Chirico as he climbs the stairs of the 7 floors of North Bay City Hall as a “warm-up” for the 7 Summits event.

Corporate Challenge – WIN a Defibrillator for your business

Doctor Dave Henstridge of HeartZAP Services Inc. will issue a corporate challenge to all businesses to make a donation. For every $100.00 donation, businesses will receive one ballot in a draw to WIN one ZOLL AED PLUS Public Access Defibrillator for their business, plus training for up to 8 employees. (draw is open to businesses only) (draw date February 23, 2009)

Breakfast with the Mayor

Join Mayor Vic Fedeli, members of the Lifeline Committee and the Heart & Stroke Foundation at the Clarion Resort Pinewood Park, Wednesday, February 11 at 8:30 am, for breakfast.

$10.00 per person, includes a donation to the 7 Summits event.

Lifeline Public Access Defibrillators have been used for three successful resuscitation in the District since 2005.
For further information please contact Jean Guy Belzile, 474-2151 ext 3316 or Marc Picard at 474-7426 or 498-5957.
