For the second weekend in a row, North Bay will be hosting a high-profile event with the venue moving from the roads to the water.
Riding high from a successful triple header cycling event in North Bay over the long weekend, Tourism North Bay is excited to continue welcoming athletes to our city as part of the Eastern Ontario Division U12/U14 Regatta Championships at Olmsted Beach this Saturday, August 12.
Hosted by the North Bay Canoe Club this event will see over 200 athletes, coaches, and their families from all over Eastern Ontario take part in singles and crews’ boats, canoeing and kayaking, as well as the traditional and also the most exciting races in War Canoe!
“August continues to be a busy month for sport tourism groups choosing North Bay as their preferred destination," said Tourism North Bay Executive Director, Tanya Bédard.
“We couldn’t be happier with the number and diversity of events. We would like to commend the local clubs on spearheading these activities as we would not be able to host these types of events without the tireless efforts of these groups and volunteers.”
A regatta is a term used for boat racing events that typically run all day on weekends in July and August and this particular regatta is critical for these age groups because the top 8 finishers in the U12 and U14 age categories qualify for the Ontario Championships.
"A regatta helps to promote our team, our club, and encourages more kids to join our programs which ultimately builds our sprint program,” explained North Bay Canoe Club Head Coach, Mihail Oghina in a release.
The North Bay Canoe Club has a rich history with five Canadian Olympians that gained their start at the Club including Barb and Nancy Olmsted, Dan Howe, Julia Rivard and Ali Herst along with many National and Provincial Champions including Scott Kerrigan, Alison Brown, John Armstrong and the late Scott Brough and Graham Barton.
“We are a proud Club and are excited to be celebrating our 55th Anniversary. The alumni have been the bedrock of enthusiasm and many athletes return to the Bay to enjoy camaraderie and be a role model for our young athletes,” said Commodore, Bernie Vierich.
Mr Vierich continues to explain that together Head Coach, Mihail Oghina and Director at Large and Olympian Nancy Olmstead who assists with training and encouragement make a formidable team and to keep and eye on our young local team.
The North Bay Canoe Club has 15 athletes that have already qualified for the National Championships and after the regatta this weekend there may be more. We encourage everyone to get out to one of North Bay’s best beaches on Trout Lake this Saturday and cheer on these young athletes.