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Dolly had a wonderful 112th!

'We had a lovely day with nan, having many friends and neighbours drop by'

News that Canada's oldest person, and North Bay resident Dolly Gibb was celebrating her 112th birthday got a lot of attention and good wishes from BayToday readers.

Dolly celebrated yesterday and her family reports it was a wonderful day.

"We had a lovely day with nan, having many friends and neighbours drop by," said granddaughter Jane Wilkinson.

"One neighbour came by with five children from the neighbourhood with flowers, cake and six Budweiser."

Dolly, when asked what her boyfriend’s name is, she states “Bud  ..…  BudWeiser” and chuckles.

See: The oldest person in Canada lives in North Bay, and she's about to celebrate her 112th birthday

"My mom (Sue) has had many phone calls regarding her mother.  She even had a call from a lady from Thunder Bay that Sue babysat over 60 years ago wanting to congratulate her mother."


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