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Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and DODGE!

West Ferris SS Student Council News Release ******************** Where: West Ferris Secondary School 60 Marshall Park Drive Who: Student Council What: Student vs.

West Ferris SS Student Council
News Release


Where: West Ferris Secondary School
60 Marshall Park Drive

Who: Student Council

What: Student vs. Teacher Dodge ball Tournament to raise money and food for the Food Bank

When: Friday, April 3rd, 2009 from 11:10-12:10am

Why: It’s time for students to get even with that teacher who gave them a bad mark! Students at West Ferris Secondary School will be competing against their teachers in a dodge ball tournament to raise money and non-perishable food items for the North Bay Food Bank. This proves that you can have fun, do sometime worthwhile and get back at your teacher!



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