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Discovery North Bay to highlight North Bay's History

Canada’s 150th Celebrated at Discovery North Bay with New Exhibit Focused on North Bay’s History set to open on July 20th
Discovery museum

A new Discovery North Bay Museum exhibit is highlighting the history of North Bay in the museum's lower gallery.   

The new exhibit includes a brief look at the history of the Nipissing people and their role in the fur trade that drove European exploration in the area.

Other exhibits include:    

  • Displays connected to the fur trade include birch bark canoes, archaeological objects, trade goods, and fur trade era muskets
  • Displays focused on the local logging industry including the John Fraser shipwreck featuring artifacts recovered from Lake Nipissing
  • Displays focused on the local history of the railway
  • A military gallery focused on local contributions to world conflicts (the First World War, Second World War, and Post-War conflicts)

The development of the display was funded through Fed Nor 150, the Canadian Cultural Spaces Fund, and donations from Trans Canada and Ontario Power Generation with additional support from community members and volunteers.

The museum is looking for artifact donations from the public to help complete our next stage of development. We are looking for artifacts connected to local downtown businesses circa the 1920's-1930's as part of our second-floor redevelopment.''

The museum is also seeking railway station benches to help complete the first-floor gallery.

The museum will hold a free public/media opening, with a brief presentation followed by viewing of the new exhibit on July 20th at 1:00 pm.