At its most recent regular meeting, North Bay City Council unanimously approved a draft plan of subdivision that will join two separated sections of Bain Drive.
The proponents, Highland Woods Developments Inc., and Jograh Investments Ltd., plan to expand the development of the subdivision located to the west of Airport Road. However, the initial draft approval included a condition the development could not proceed to the second phase of the planned subdivision until this Bain Drive connection northwest of the intersection of Airport Road and Pearce Street was completed.
The developers will be responsible for the construction of the road and necessary services and the draft approval is further contingent on satisfying certain conditions. The new section of Bain Drive would curve at the back of a parcel of the property officially known as 771 Golf Club Rd. (see maps above).
See original story: Committee paves way to connect two sections of local road
Concerns were raised during the planning stage by nearby property owners whose property and driveway will be directly affected by the construction of the connecting roadway as it falls within the planned road allowance. The residents also had general concerns about "future transit routes, the speed of future traffic and the design of the intersection."
The City maintains staff has spoken directly to this property owner. According to a report by Senior Planner Peter Carello, a clause making the developers responsible to reconstruct the affected portion of the property in question was added as a condition of approval.
Rick Miller of Miller & Urso Surveying Inc., appeared on behalf of the developers during a virtual special committee meeting, March 29.
"This extension of Bain Drive will facilitate the construction of a number of dwellings on a new street that is presently under construction in the area to the south — that was previously draft approved," Miller told the committee members. "There's a combination of single-family dwellings and townhouse dwellings that are already approved on that street and will proceed with construction this year. So, that's the purpose of getting this roadway going immediately, so there is a connection."
Carello observed during that committee meeting, although it is unusual to receive a draft plan of subdivision for only a road, the City anticipates the connection of Bain Drive will facilitate the future development of the area. Bain Drive is identified as a future collector road in the City's official plan and it was seen as the most efficient and reasonable way to have this property identified and dedicated to the City as a municipal road.
Carello noted the connection of Bain Drive "represents a positive development for the community. The road network in this area will be improved as a result. It will also facilitate future phases of the subdivision, resulting in more homes being built and available for sale."