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City gives Laurentian Ski Hill a lift — eyes takeover from NBMCA

The City of North Bay is positioning itself to take over Laurentian Ski Hill, Mayor Peter Chirico said in his remarks given during council's regular meeting on Tuesday
2021 03 22 Laurentian Ski Hill 3(1)
The City of North Bay will discuss a takeover of the North Bay–Mattawa Conservation Authority's stake in Laurentian Ski Hill.

North Bay Mayor Peter Chirico — as he does from time to time — stepped down from his position as chair of a meeting to give his thoughts on the matter at hand.

This time he spoke in favour of the City of North Bay providing financial assistance to Laurentian Ski Hill, during Tuesday's regular meeting of North Bay City Council and alluded to a longer-term plan to move the assets under the municipal umbrella.

A recent report prepared by CFO Margaret Karpenko and Ian Kilgour, the director of community services stated if the City of North Bay and North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority "are unable to reach a suitable one-year operational subsidy agreement, Laurentian Ski Hill would be forced to close for the 2023-24 season."

See related: Season up in the air at Laurentian Ski Hill

The recommendation was for the council to approve a one-year operational subsidy agreement between the City of North Bay and the NBMCA for an amount of up to $100,000 for the 2023-24 operation of the Laurentian Ski Hill Snowboarding Club Inc.

"This is a one-year operational subsidy as we work into a transition plan to take over the hill," said Chirico. "The North Bay–Mattawa Conservation Authority will have to divest themselves of [Laurentian Ski Hill] due to legislation ... We know that this is an economic development tool we utilize day in and day out within our city. Having a ski hill in operation for our kids is no different than an arena, ballpark or soccer field."

See Mayor Chirico's full remarks below:

The council voted unanimously in favour. Councillors Mac Bain and Jamie Lowery were absent. Staff will prepare an options analysis for the council's consideration regarding a partnership with respect to skiing and snowboarding in the City, in consultation with the North Bay–Mattawa Conservation Authority and Laurentian Ski Hill Snowboarding Club Inc.; including 2023-2024 operating season and future budget implications, with a report to council to follow.

Coun. Chris Mayne clarified the role of the NBMCA, saying it acts as an "honest broker between the city and the ski hill ... the conservation authority really has no money in its own budget to support the ski hill." Mayne also noted the involvement of Mayor Chirico had helped get the matter to this stage of the process.

"There is really no specific reason that the ski hill needs to be under the North Bay–Mattawa Conservation Authority," Mayne said, especially with the changing legislation to the Conservation Authorities Act. "To me, it always would have made a lot more sense to run it under the City's Parks and Recreation department or Community Services," he said. 

NBMCA levies the City of North Bay for specific costs associated with the capital holdings and operating needs of LSH. Annual contributions include $65,000 from 10 member municipalities for the upkeep of the NBMCA-owned fixed LSH capital assets. The City of North Bay's share is approximately 79 per cent of that $65,000 or just over $51,000.

The City of North Bay also contributes $60,000 for operating expenses. The recommended subsidy of up to $100,000 would come in addition to the $60,000 that has a recurring line in the operating budget. The City of North Bay's operational subsidy arrangement with the NBMCA has helped to support the LSH operations for approximately 10 years.

Laurentian Ski Hill attracts 35,000 visitors annually, generating $ 4.7 million in GDP and employs over 70 people with a volunteer base of over 100.

Councillors Justine Mallah, Tanya Vrebosch and Gary Gardiner all supported the one-time financial aid but had some questions and reservations about the next steps.

Mallah noted she has "questions before engaging in a longer operating agreement, with the North Bay–Mattawa Conservation Authority and Laurentian Ski Hill "regarding their business plan. I'd like to learn more about their operating deficit in 2021-22 and 2022-23. I'd also like to learn more about their equipment purchases and see financial statements."

Vrebosch admitted she had struggled with the request and found herself searching for information. "There needs to be some conversation about how to help the ski hill be sustainable. We use it on every marketing piece. I've been a strong advocate, whether with water budget shifts that would impact it or with capital and operating funds on an annual basis ... We don't do that for every organization. We have to be able to explain to the citizens why we're doing something."

Gardiner also expressed having some difficulty with the issue. "It's not an easy one for me to deal with because I know there are other organizations out there that also contribute to our community and run sports organizations or facilities. It's difficult to rationalize why we would support one group over another. I'm looking for a long-term, comprehensive policy that we could develop so we know how we're going to support groups in the future if they struggle."

See: Laurentian Ski Hill receives funding, launches strategic plan

"The operating subsidy will be provided to NBMCA in monthly installments upon review of monthly financial reports. This will ensure the sustainability of Laurentian operations for the 2023-24 season," per the report. "It is recognized that Laurentian Ski Hill is a critical piece of recreational infrastructure in the region and needs to remain open and maintained. It is a key economic tool for the City of North Bay, the region and regional business partners."

The City of North Bay and NBMCA have a history going back 50 years of collaboration on land management and development as well as natural resource planning approvals. NBMCA owns the land and assets that the Laurentian Ski Hill Snowboarding Club operates on. The NBMCA took over the operations of Laurentian Ski Hill in the late 1990s and the operations were then transferred to Laurentian Ski Hill Snowboarding Club Inc. in the early 2000s.


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