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Catholic board results exceed provincial average

The Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board has experienced improved results in Grade 9 math testing done through the provincial Education Quality Assessment Office.
The Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board has experienced improved results in Grade 9 math testing done through the provincial Education Quality Assessment Office.

Further details are included in the following news release issued today by the board:

(North Bay ON)
The Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce continued improvement in its 2003-2004 EQAO Grade 9 Mathematics results.

The percentage of students at or above the provincial standard at both the Grade 9 Academic and Applied levels exceeds the provincial average by 16% and 4% respectively. Eighty-four percent (84%) of students in the Academic program achieved provincial standard representing a 9% increase from last year. In the Applied program 30% of students achieved provincial standard indicating an 8% increase over last year’s results.

Below is a summary of the 2003-2004 Grade 9 Mathematics results as well as comparative data from the two previous years.

The Board is pleased with the positive trend of improvement over the three years and attributes these results to the quality programs and initiatives at St. Joseph-Scollard Hall and the committed staff necessary to move them forward.

In its planning for improvement our school and Board curriculum teams have made it a priority to continuously review our learning materials and teaching strategies, to celebrate and build upon areas of strength, and to address areas and skills identified for growth.

Through in-service and various appropriate initiatives at all levels we plan to continue to enhance program delivery so that this positive trend of improvement will be maintained:

• On-going targeted in-service in the use of manipulatives and effective strategies using the TIPS model of delivery for all Grades 7, 8 and 9 Applied Mathematics teachers.

• Grade 7, 8 and 9 Math teachers receive quality in-service with Trevor Brown, Course Director Mathematics Education, OISE/UT.

• Establishment of the Mathematics Steering Committee to enhance dialogue between elementary and secondary Math teacher and to improve the delivery of Mathematics to meet the needs of all students.

• The purchase of Math manipulative kits for all schools.

• Cross-panel discussions to ensure Grade 8 students entering the secondary school select Math courses appropriate to their levels of ability and career aspirations.

• Summer school programs to provide students with increased opportunities to be successful in Mathematics.

Our school administration, the school Mathematics department and Grade 7 and 8 teachers are to be commended for their ongoing commitment and dedicated efforts to improve Mathematics instruction and student achievement.


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