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Canadore abuse allegations voted 2019 top news story

Overall, with 2,129 votes cast, the ongoing sexual harassment and abuse scandal at Canadore College picked up 736 votes or 35 per cent of the total
Canadore College
Canadore College took top spot in the BayToday reader's top news story of 2019.

It wasn't even close.

BayToday readers chose, by a wide margin, the allegations of sexual discrimination and abuse at Canadore College as the area's top news story of 2019.

See: What is the 'News Story of the Year'?

Overall, with 2,129 votes cast, the ongoing sexual harassment and abuse scandal at Canadore College picked up 736 votes or 35 per cent of the total.

"I’m interested in the results of the Canadore investigation. I suspect it will trigger a few people. It’s interesting how that topic has so many votes," wrote one reader.

Another wrote, "I would think that more than one individual up there has had their own (Pierre Trudeau) "walk in the snow" over the holidays and will exit for reasons unknown in the New Year (probably part of the plan why it's taken so long for the results to come out) Stay tuned."

An investigation was launched.

The investigator's report is expected to be delivered to the Canadore Board executive committee shortly, but how much of it will be made public is up to question.

See: Canadore investigator revealed

In second place was Spring flooding causes widespread damage (Mattawa, Jocko Point, North Bay) with 363 votes or 17 per cent of votes cast. 

See: At least 150 homes and cottages in Jocko Point affected by flooding says NFN

Readers are also concerned with the state of North Bay’s downtown, which finished in third place with 200 votes or 9.39 per cent.

See: New businesses helping enhance the image of downtown North Bay

One reader commented, "The state of downtown is deplorable. We can't let this terrible situation get any worse. It's already bad enough." another wrote "It’s not just what’s happening in the downtown in North Bay, it’s the drugs in general and the crime right down to sex trafficking. I am still proud to be a North Bay native but if this keeps up I can see that depleting."

Rounding out the top four was another big municipal tax Increase, which garnered 155 votes or 7.28 per cent.

See: Councillors hit taxpayers with another hefty increase

One reader commented, "These huge tax increases are unacceptable. Many people can't afford them."

Another said, "People are struggling to make ends meet. High taxes will drive some people into poverty and contribute to homeless, crime, and other ails associated with being poor."

The poll is an unscientific sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day.


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