RCMP Media Release
The victim is Zachary Miller, 10 years old from the Whitewood area. He is a white male, 4'5" tall, 70 pounds with red hair and brown eyes. He was last seen about noon Sunday July 30, 2006, wearing black track pants with a red and white stripe and runners. Shirt description is not known.
Police believe the child was taken by: Peter Robert Joseph Whitmore of Morinville, Alberta. He is a white male, 35 years of age about 6 feet tall with a heavy build, brown hair and blue eyes.
He is believed to be accompanied by an aboriginal youth (Jordan Bruyere, 14 years of age), approximately 14 years of age, thin with short dark hair.
The suspect may be driving a 1988 Dodge Caravan possibly with wood paneling.
The plate number we first advised of is incorrect. We currently do not know the plate number of the suspect vehicle, but we do believe it is an Alberta licence plate.
Click here to view the full RCMP release.
If you have information about this child, call 1-877-SOAMBER or 1-877-762-6237 or e-mail [email protected]