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Big weekend for ONTC

Thanksgiving is the Ontario Northland’s busiest travel weekend for its motor coach services.
2015 10 20 ONTC Customers on Bus
Ridership was high Thanksgiving weekend says the ONTC. Submitted photo.

Ontario Northland says over 4,500 passengers travelled on their motor coaches over the Thanksgiving weekend between Thursday October 8th and Monday, October 12th. 

Thanksgiving is the Ontario Northland’s busiest travel weekend for its motor coach services says Renée Baker, Communications Manager in a news release.

“The investment of eight new coaches over the past year allows us to provide reliable, high quality transportation services,” says Corina Moore, President and CEO of Ontario Northland. “I am extremely proud to see our new equipment in use, serving the residents of Northern Ontario.”

“Our new ticketing system provided real time business intelligence, allowing us to respond to passenger demand quickly by adding three more buses on our Sudbury to Toronto trip on Friday, ” stated Tracy MacPhee, Director of Passenger Services. 

Ontario Northland has a fleet of 25 motor coaches, including three new buses that were added this past month. Ontario Northland buses travel 3.5 million kilometers per year, providing transportation to over 275,000 passengers.   


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