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Bear sighting in north end of the city

A security camera from a home in that area caught this bear on camera in the Widdifield area
20200702 bear sighting
A still photo from a security camera from a home on McKeown Avenue. Photo courtesy Facebook.

Multiple residents in the north end of the city near Widdifield are reporting a large black bear was seen going through the neighbourhood last night. 

A security camera from a home on McKeown Avenue caught the large black bear on camera. 

Police say there were multiple bear sighting reports in the Widdifield area starting at around 10:30 p.m. Friday.  

Sightings occurred near Carruthers Street, Aberdeen Avenue, Moffat Avenue and Harrison Street.  The security video was taken from a residence just off McKeown Avenue.  

Police arrived but did not end up finding the large black bear.  

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry suggests Ontario residents call the toll-free Bear Wise reporting line at 1-866-514-2327 (TTY 705-945-7641 ) if a bear roams around or checks garbage, breaks into a shed where garbage or food is stored, up a tree, pulls down a bird feeder or knocks over a barbecue, or moves through a backyard or field, but does not linger. 

Residents are asked to call police when a bear stalks people and lingers at the site; enters or tries to enter a residence; wanders into a public gathering or kills livestock/pets and lingers at the site.

For more bear information please go HERE


Chris Dawson

About the Author: Chris Dawson

Chris Dawson has been with since 2004. He has provided up-to-the-minute sports coverage and has become a key member of the BayToday news team.
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