Councillor Mac Bain told BayToday this morning that he will be withdrawing his motions that were asking the provinces for relief under the Endangered Species Act.
The action will come at the next meeting of council Jan. 30.
First item is, that procedurally, council have to vote on motions of reconsideration brought forward by Councillor Mark King to decide if council wants to revisit the motions they passed last week.
"I'm going to vote yes," said Bain. "and the motions will be withdrawn and then revised resolutions will be provided."
Those are expected to be public later today.
"The province has opened up species at risk and last night removed section 10 of Bill 66 which pertains to the Oak Ridge Moraine area. Some people are under the impression it also impacts the resolutions that I generated and that I presented my resolutions because of section 10, which isn't true. They were drafted because of issues in North Bay," explained Bain.
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