Try and avoid driving up Algonquin Ave. for a while.
Traffic is backed up after a two vehicle accident just outside the ESSO station there.
At least one person was taken to hospital by ambulance.
The accident happened at 10:40 a.m.
An eye-witness told BayToday that a woman in the black car came from the other side of the intersection and just rammed into the SUV which was parked waiting for the light to turn green.
"The lady looked disoriented, not sure if she was before the crash and the guy in the SUV complained about his hips hurting but both breathing and conscious. Everyone seems to be, for the most part, ok."
See: Moving bus stop among recommendations to make Algonquin Ave. less dangerous
The spot is notorious for accidents.
A report to council in 2018 recommended ending southbound left turns just south of the Lansdowne intersection.
"Collision data in the immediate area of the intersection of Algonquin and Lansdowne Avenue/Norwood Avenue was reviewed. Data between July 2014 and July 2017 showed a total of 23 collisions around this intersection. From these reports, 13 of them were rear-end collisions, four were sideswipe collisions, five were right-angle turning collisions, and one was with a pedestrian crossing at Lansdowne. Among these collisions, six occurred immediately south of the intersection in the southbound direction. The collisions that occurred were a result of southbound left-turning traffic into the Gas Station/Tim Hortons.
"In order to prevent this type of collision at this location, the southern median should be extended to prevent left turns."