Bonfield & District Lions Club News Release ******************** The Bonfield & District Lions Club Is Holding Their 7th Annual Blue Sea ATV Fundraiser & Poker Run on Saturday, May 2nd 2009.
The Bonfield & District Lions Club Is Holding Their 7th Annual Blue Sea ATV Fundraiser & Poker Run on Saturday, May 2nd 2009.
Registration Is 9:30am to Noon at the Bonfield Lions Den 350 Line 3 South Bonfield (Follow the Signs from Hwy 17E)
$40.00 Minimum in Pledges: This Includes a roast beef dinner with all the trimmings. $900 total in cash prizes for the poker run and the person with the highest amount in pledges will have first choice of merchandise prizes.
Monies Raised Will Help Purchase a Defibrillator for the Bonfield Fire Department
Pledge Forms Available By E-Mail At Gcverge@Sympatico.Ca or by visiting our website, Www.Lionwap.Org/Bonfieldca or by calling 776-9448