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Adiós Muchachos (Updated)

Viviani Covos in the centre is sad to say good bye to North Bay Visiting students from Nipissing University’s partner institution, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) who were involved in the Comprehensive Summer Study

Viviani Covos in the centre is sad to say good bye to North Bay

Visiting students from Nipissing University’s partner institution, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) who were involved in the Comprehensive Summer Study Program 2006 held a farewell reception today.

The group gathered at the Governors House Assembly Room where they presented a slideshow documenting their experience in Canada.

By all accounts the 20 students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and will find it hard to leave Nipissing and North Bay.

“It’s kind of difficult because I had a very good time here,” says student Viviani Covos.

“I’ve been very happy here and I don’t want to leave, but I also miss my family and want to go to them and talk about how it is here.”

Fellow classmate Hugo Garcia in broken English says he too finds it bittersweet to be packing his bags.

“I’m excited because I miss my home. But at the same time I feel a little bit sad because I’m leaving, and I make friends here. “

The consensus of Garcia and Covos was that North Bay and Canada live up to the rumours.

“I heard that people were very nice here and I think it’s really good, they are very nice with us,” says Covos.

“I think the town is very good it’s like quite and small we can move anywhere we want.”

“Actually we spend a very nice time here in North Bay, we went to a lot of places and met people, beautiful people. I think people here is so friendly and this place is, in my personal opinion, wonderful,” states Garcia.

“I like the downtown we went to a lot of places and I think it was a very nice experience to be here.”

Garcia says that he hopes to start his own business after university, that or work in the family’s company and travel, however, he may just have a role to play in Canada-Mexico relations.

“I think it’s a great country, great people,” he says.

“I think we have a lot of things to learn about Canadian people because we are very different, but in a positive way, I think we have to learn more about the people.”



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