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Accessible Parking Permits now available online

There are approximately 770,000 Accessible Parking Permits in use across the province
20210628 parking, disabled spots accessible turl
Disabled parking spots. File photo

It's easier, faster, and more convenient for people with accessibility needs to apply for, renew, and replace lost or stolen Accessible Parking Permits online.

“Having the option to apply for and renew Accessible Parking Permits online will save people precious time and let them focus on what matters most in their life instead of filling out needless paperwork,” said Kaleed Rasheed, Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery in a news release.

Previously, people applying for an Accessible Parking Permit needed to apply in-person or by mail, taking weeks and requiring time-consuming travel. 

It’s important for Ontarians to keep their Accessible Parking Permit and other government-issued documents up to date to avoid fines or penalties and ensure access to critical services.

The government is increasingly using the internet to renew licence plates, driver’s licence, health cards, Ontario Photo Card, and Accessible Parking Permit at For those who need to visit in person, ServiceOntario offers appointment bookings to make the visit fast and hassle-free at

An Accessible Parking Permit is available to someone with a health condition that meets the eligible health requirements. Accessible Parking Permits can be issued to an individual or to a company vehicle used to transport people with a disability.

There are approximately 770,000 Accessible Parking Permits in use. Last year, ServiceOntario issued close to 255,000 permits


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