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4th annual Let’s Remember Adam Charity Washer Tournament this weekend

'We have 50 teams of 2 registered and ready to compete in the tournament'
20210211 Adam Pierre Ranger
Adam was struck and killed Feb. 11, 2000. Pierre Ranger is chair of Let's Remember Adam.

The 4th annual Let’s Remember Adam Charity Washer Tournament and Prize Lot Raffle takes place this Saturday in Mattawa.

This event will help push Adam’s safety message and raise awareness for school bus safety and the extreme importance of stopping for the school bus.

See: Ranger family remembers Adam on his birthday — and every day

We have 50 teams of 2 registered and ready to compete in the tournament. The tournament will start at 10am and goes until the last team standing collects their trophy (usually around 4-5pm)

Texas Horseshoes is also known as "throwing washers," because no horseshoes are involved in the game, but hardware washers are.

Six washers, three per team and differentiated by colour, sees players stand across from their teammates, on platforms 10 feet apart. Each platform has three holes cut out of the surface. The farthest hole counts for five points, the middle is worth three, and the closest is two. Landing a washer on the board without it falling into one of the cut-outs is worth one. Teams play games to 21.

The action runs 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Mattawa Royal Canadian Legion Branch 254, 360 Hurdman St.

"We ask that all teams arrive around 9:30 to register and have their team photo taken.," says Adam's brother and event organizer Pierre Ranger who will also do a welcome speech as the chair of the Let’s Remember Adam campaign.

There will also be a prize lot raffle with a variety of prizes.

"This raffle was a huge success last year and was not only supported by the players in the tournament but the whole community," say Pierre. "We are still accepting donations towards this raffle. We will be building 7 or 8 prize lots so that people can purchase tickets and enter them in the prize lot of their choice."

Each prize lot averages in value from 600 to $900. The raffle is open to anyone on the day of the tournament and will be drawn at 4 p.m. that day.

You don't need to be present to win.

Some of the prizes include a Powassan Voodoos game-played hockey jersey of Tyson Rismond, an adult kayak package including a PELICAN Argo 100X EXO sit-In kayak with a paddle, adult PFD, and a boating safety kit.

"This is a family-friendly event, so we are inviting everyone to come on down and check it out," says Pierre. "We will have a school bus on site so people can see it up close. This school bus will be equipped with the new Amber Eight Lamp Safety System as well as the Stop Arm Camera Safety System that is installed on all Mattawa school buses."

Food and beverages will be available for purchase on-site as well.

For more information contact Pierre Ranger at [email protected] or call/text 705-840-8871. 


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