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Beware the Butcher of Oak Patch today in Second Saturday Stories

When the ultimate tragedy strikes and Lucinda loses her daughter, she will have to face the snarling and festering rage that has been building inside of her, unleashing it in a blazing streak of violence that will lead to the eventual battle for her soul.
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Lucinda Hessen was never a superstitious woman. She always saw ghost stories for what they were; tales meant to frighten children, and she was no child. But Lucinda is slowly coming to the realization that she is hexed, worse than that, she may be cursed. It's the only way anyone can explain the string of tragedy that has followed her from narrowly surviving the sinking of the Titanic. Since escaping with her life and her small daughter she has been evicted, ignored, and now tormented. 

Reduced to living in a shack outside of town she has been branded the neighbourhood witch by school children. What's worse is that she's starting to believe their taunts and heckles as truth. 

When the ultimate tragedy strikes and Lucinda loses her daughter, she will have to face the snarling and festering rage that has been building inside of her, unleashing it in a blazing streak of violence that will lead to the eventual battle for her soul. In a story that spans from the sailing of Titanic to the Atomic Age, The Wraith is the perfect summer horror to keep you up on a dark and stormy night. Fans of Paranormal Activity and Stephen King will love this tale of ghosts, demons, love, and loss that will span the summer in Second Saturday Stories.

Chapter 5: The Butcher can be found on at 3pm today. While you wait you can catch up on the whole story below. 

Chapter 1: Blackened Waters

Chapter 2: Whispers in the Night

Chapter 3: No Home's Return 

Chapter 4: The Burial 


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