SHADSRUS Limited, (12300678 1/2 Ontario Inc) is pleased to announce that approval has been received from the Ministry of Consumer and Corporate Affairs for the following products to be manufactured in North Bay, Ontario:
Lake Nipissing Shad Fish Attractant Spray
Mister Meow Cat Food Enhancer Oil
Blue Sky Sparkling Eye Liner
ShadLust Ephemeral Stimulant
African Violet Super Bloom Fertilizer Tabs
The prime ingredient for the product line is the Lake Nipissing shad fly. SHADSRUS plans to harvest the flying insect and extract its unique oils and body parts in a new factory to be built on land provided by the City under a special agreement reached in an ‘in camera’ meeting of all council. The plant will be located near some horse stables so any odours emanating from the plant will not be noticed by the adjacent landowners. The Planning Committee has approved rezoning to accommodate the pharmaceutical plant, a first for the area. SHADSRUS plans to employee 12 people year around with season workers adding 60 part time hunters and gatherers during the peak harvesting season.
A letter from Public Works Canada indicates some delay in the process, however approval is expected to move ahead quickly after June 28 since SHADSRUS has promised a political donation after the election. The letter says, in part, “We regret to inform you that your application to harvest the Lake Nipissing ‘Shad Fly’, ephemerata nipissingus genus A, B and C, has been delayed under the Migratory Bug Act.” . . . “We see further complications for you under the Food and Drug Act, Agriculture Canada, Fisheries Canada, the Canadian Veterinary Association and Transport Canada. Intervener status has also been granted to The Toronto Shad Fly Support Association (1-416-SHADFLY), Temagami Tree Watch, Ducks Unlimited and the Newfoundland / Labrador Harp Seal Preservation Association.”
SHADSRUS plans to attach large nets to the blades of the proposed wind turbine farm along the waterfront to collect the shads. In the off-season, the 22 wind turbines will produce electricity to the City of North Bay at prices guaranteed for 20 years. Partners in the wind farm will be Grouppe Windenhauser who were involved in the recently shelved Sudbury wind farm. Parts for the wind turbines will be assembled at a new plant on the Air Base properties with a grant from FedNor and seed funding supplied by a local Banker.
Additional funding is expected from the Heritage Fund (50% forgivable loan) after submitting a wind feasibility study. SHADSRUS is also seeking a forgivable loan from the newly formed Ontario Power Association; however this would require an equal contribution by the municipality. City Hall is checking with their attorney to determine if there is any conflict in lending money to company which would supply power through an ABC which would in turn, pay interest dividends to the City.
SHADSRUS appreciates the $400,000 start-up loan from the Conservation Authority. This 2002 loan is secured by a 10% common share holding in SHADSRUS Ltd. The accountants, Ketchum and Kountem, assured SHADSRUS that the investment is on the Conservation Authority books. SPECTRE investments of Hong Kong, China has provided funding for the pharmaceutical branch for the ShadLust product.
SHADSRUS wishes to acknowledge the technical help supplied by the South River Black Fly Harvesters, the DIA of North Bay, the North Bay Automotive Dealers Association and the GAP officer at the City of North Bay.
Lake Nipissing Shad Fish Attractant Spray has been tested and will be marketed under licence by Jim Bob’s Bass and Walleye Catcher label of Missoula. Jimmy Bob Fletcher, of Bass Survivor fame (channel 40, Tuesdays at 3 a.m.), says this is the best additive he has found for largemouth bass. The secret for the Spray’s ability to adhere to baits comes from the sticky pads on the feet of the shad fly, says a SHADSRUS spokesperson.
Mister Meow Cat Food enhancer oil is added to the regular Tuna mix but will be marketed only in the early spring months as a special Spring Tonic for cats of all ages. Mister Meow spokesperson, Ms Felini Katzer, says the shad oil has a high content of vitamin K and D and will add hours of playful night-time activity for all cats.
Blue Sky Sparkling Eye Liner is made of the highest standard ingredients with the addition of finely ground shad wings that catch and reflect ultra violet and infra red light rays giving off a pleasing iridescence. The eyeliner, sold under license by Bawdy Works, is odourless. SHADSRUS notes that only dead shad flies are used and the wings are extracted using a computerized winnowing machine.
ShadLust Ephemeral Stimulant will be marketed by SPECTRE, a Chinese company that will use shad oils as an integral ingredient of its new product to be released in the fall of 2005. ShadLust Ephemeral Stimulant is being promoted as the female equivalent of the numerous men’s ED products. Testing by a number of North Bay women has given the product a seal of approval. Marketing will be done through the internet only.
African Violet Super Bloom fertilizer tabs are made from the skeletal remains of the shad fly with additives of potash and horse manure plus eleven secret herbs and spices. The tabs are non-toxic and not dangerous to pets or small children.
SHADSRUS will implement a shad fly restocking program on Lake Nipissing, in consultation with a retired Nipissing University professor, to ensure a steady annual supply of the raw product. Talks are underway with the Nipissing First Nations to study the feasibility of producing additional shads along the Beaucage shoreline.
SHADSRUS will turn the first rock in October and expect the plant to be ready for a yellow ribbon cutting opening early in May 2005. Applications for employment may be made through HRDC or your local MPP’s office. Please dress appropriately for interviews.