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Opinion: Bill Walton, The Eagles Have Crash-Landed

The CNN debate gave us a glimpse of America – a frightening glimpse

Broadcast, unedited, un-spun, without asides, the two eagles displayed for the world to see the sad images of the two main candidates of what used to the greatest democracy in the world (since the British ruled the waves) crumbling, foundering before our eyes. Joe and Don looked, spoke, and acted like a pair of starlings fighting over a dew worm, not the symbolic bald eagles.

There was clarification in the days following the U.S. debate that Joe had a cold and Don – well, Don was himself.

Okay, I am being a little disingenuous because I am used to watching Justin and Pierre shouting at each other with a running commentary by Jagmeet. But what is happening to our politicians around the world? The Brits are in sudden election mode, France calls a snap election (whoops), coups are failing, voter turnout is abysmal, there are calls for resignations, opposition leaders are dispatched, and dictators are shaking hands in glee.

Is it just because it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and we have all gone to the cottage, seashore, or camps in the park? Or do we simply not care what is happening on the political scene, having given up on the system of people representing us and our common cause?  Are the university students (and one might suspect a few pseudo-students) the only ones left to protest for the media about wars, the environment (hello, Beryl, the first hurricane), and the use of the stock markets to fund education?

Does anyone in Ontario really care if Doug is getting a spa in downtown Toronto to ease his angst over shutting down a science centre? I mean, haven’t we had enough science already? Just consider the quantum leap forward we made in going to all-electric vehicles! Three new battery-related factories right here in Ontario! Thousands of new jobs – well, net maybe a few hundred once we get rid of the gas-guzzler manufacturing jobs. All will be well unless China makes a better EV than . . . don’t worry – nobody buys Chinese stuff anymore.

Not to worry about the Bank of Canada and interest rates because it is independent of the government. Freeland and Macklin are keeping their hands clean of rate hikes in case Justin takes one. Hike, that is.

And this is where those two lame eagles come into our politics, economy, defence spending, immigration, and particularly, trade. And trading dollars, since we are pegged, willingly, to the U.S. dollar and exchange rate (72 cents!).  What if either one of those ‘eagles’ gets into the Office of the President and slaps a trade embargo, not only on Chinese EVs but on EVs made in Canada? Making America great again may cost us dearly, not only in the auto sector but in what is left of the oil industry, our foods (grains), and what used to be our proud Defence department. That Buy American policy almost wiped us until Justin explained to Joe that we are all Americans.

Now, after that debacle debate, I wonder if Joe understood Justin. Just saying.

Once the Donald gets back into the White House with his Supreme Court-defined god-like freedom from prosecution, he has promised to stop the war in the former Ukraine (even before he is sworn in he says), exit NATO unless everyone pays up, send aliens packing, especially the murderers, rapists, thieves, mental institution and prison escapees, pardon his friends and ask – no, tell – Stormy he wants that money back.

Sorry, I am being too pessimistic. King Donald may turn out to be an okay guy once he is back in office surrounded by friends, court jesters, and fellow pardoned convicts. As I see it, we Canadians have two options: We can, province by province, apply for statehood. Sorry, Quebec, but you did see this day coming. Maybe you can set up refugee camps for Canadian Loyalists from the other former provinces. We may have to sing that ‘bombs bursting in air’ song but what the hey, we may get to claim Lord Stanley’s Cup once again.

Oh yeah, the other option: We can stick it out with one of Justin’s programs, spread over the next ten years, and wait to see what happens. Isn’t that the Canadian way?

(My apologies to the pelicans in the photo – sorry for portraying you as Don and Joe).


Bill Walton

About the Author: Bill Walton

Retired from City of North Bay in 2000. Writer, poet, columnist
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