Today I delivered the first module of a planning program that I am launching. Ten women entrepreneurs are learning to accelerate their business in this pandemic period by creating a solid plan and operating system with tracking and accountability.
Never let a crisis go to waste. This is a great time to rethink, reimagine, remodel, resize, rebuild or even remember your business operations. McKinsey and Company convey in an article from July 2020 that companies who responded quickly to use the pandemic as a call to action, slowly began ‘unfreezing’ their organizational resources to jump onto new trends with excellent results. This is not a time to stay frozen or rest.
According to a recent article from McKinsey and Company, 2021 will be the year of transition. According to me, you get to shape and transform your business into exactly what you want. Although, for the transition and transformation to take healthy root, you’ll want to start with a solid plan.
Planning is also step-three of four in the Sandbox System™, where we facilitate an inclusive planning strategy for profit.
If you can’t find your way, call Penny Tremblay because a solid plan will accelerate you through the crises, into the new future which is rapidly changing how we do business.

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