Wishing you peace at work! The holidays are behind us. A season that promotes peace and goodwill among people has come and gone, and if you were one of the lucky ones to go through it without any drama, congratulations. We can choose our friends, but we can’t choose family members, and conflict often rears during times of family obligation and tradition.
It’s back to work for most, where there’s another family … a working crew that you haven’t necessarily chosen either, but you’re supposed to Play Nice in the Sandbox with them anyway, and that can be challenging.
People won’t always behave in ways that are easy to fit in with or manage your own behaviour around. I have one tip for you to act as a guiding light for 2019. Set an intention for peace in your life. Write it down, and pin it up where it can constantly remind you of the peace that you deserve in your workplace and beyond.
Choose peace for yourself.
Grant peace to others.
Notice peace happening around you.
Honour peace as a high-level way of being.
Recognize peace.
Strive for peace.
Work toward peace.
Whatever your intention, may peace be your guiding light all year long.
Wishing you a peaceful new year, and should you encounter a sandstorm at work, remember, your greatest leadership day is with Penny Tremblay.
P.S. One of the ways that I discover a deeper sense of peace is to look on the contrary. What is aggravating me at the moment? Go ahead, ask yourself what’s aggravating you right now. The answer will come. Journal about that answer. What’s coming up onto your paper is coming out of your inner self. It’s a simple step to start the momentum of cleaning out thoughts that fill our mind with what could be…better, more peaceful and abundant thoughts.