The annual celebration of Canada Day is quickly approaching, yet the Canadian flags are flying half-mast, in recognition of the mental, physical, sexual abuse and death of this country’s Indigenous Children, totalling 966 unmarked graves found at Residential Schools in Kamloops and Regina.
I am born in Canada, raised Catholic and white privileged. Last year, the death of George Floyd became the straw that broke the camel’s back for the Black Lives Matter movement. It was only then that I began to realize what white privilege really meant. Recently, I further understood what it meant when Scott McLeod, Chief of Nippising First Nation shared on a social media post that understanding what white privilege meant was sending your kids to school and having them return.
Today I contemplate. How can we celebrate our country during this time of proof of a horrible truth? How can I, as a Canadian Catholic woman, fulfill my duty to write and speak to honour Canada, in light of a conflict within, that runs through my blood and my soul.
Even as an inspirational speaker, I am searching for words right now, to soothe, to empathize, to share compassion with, to learn, and to help others find words.
I am sharing a video response to a speaking engagement for Women Focus Canada which I agreed to present at some time ago. In the short twelve minutes, there are ideas about how to communicate, feel and think. I trust you will find it valuable, and you are welcome to share it or any part of it.
Furthermore, I requested guidance on what to say or do for Indigenous People at this time. A response was provided, to read and educate ourselves on the Truth and Reconciliation Report or any of the histories that have been written by Indigenous people, and to pressure politicians to implement the recommendations.
Let’s stand united with one intention…to learn from this time. Let’s create one great big sandcastle of a nation on the foundation of understanding, compassion, and choosing good thoughts to shape better days ahead.
Every Child Matters,